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Terry Pratchett®, Discworld®, Ankh-Morpork®, Unseen University®, and CMOT Dibbler® are all registered trademarks by Terry Pratchett.

All the text and illustrations made available on the L-Space Web remain copyrighted by the original authors and artists, according to standard international copyright law conventions.

Where possible, we have sought, and been given, permission by those copyright holders to publish their work on our web site. This does not imply that the material has therefore become public domain or may be freely used elsewhere.

In other words: if you want to reproduce any words or graphics you find on the L-Space Web, you should first get the explicit permission from the copyright holder in question. (See also the Book Covers Art section for some further details on this.)

If it is not clear who the author, or copyright holder, in question is, or how they can be reached, try contacting the page or section maintainer (typically listed at the very bottom of each of our web pages).

Please respect other people's intellectual property. It is the only way sites like the L-Space Web will be allowed to continue to exist and grow.

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The L-Space Librarians

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The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians
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