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A Tourist Guide to Lancre

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Author: 'Stephen Briggs
Title: A Tourist Guide to Lancre
Publisher: Corgi
Date: 6/98
ISBN: 0 552 14608 0


Not only an artistic and breathtaking view of Lancre but also an interesting and informative guide to one of the Discworld's more, er, picturesque kingdoms.

Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlick live there. Lancre could hardly be somewhere ordinary, could it?

Magic glues the Discworld together and a lot of it ends up in Lancre, principal Kingdom of the Ramtop Mountains. Between Uberwald and Whale Bay, the Octarine Grass Country and the Widdershins Ocean lies the most exciting and dangerous terrain in all Discworld. The Ramtops supply Discworld with most of its witches and wizards. The leaves on the trees in the Ramtops move even when there is no breeze. Rocks go for a stroll in the even- ing. Even the land, at times, seems alive.

The mapp may only be two-dimensional, but watch it very carefully and you might see it jostle about a bit.

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