The L-Space Web: Fandom

New York City: Announce

From: Michael Barry <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] NYC meet. 05 April 2000. Get Knurd in NYC
Date: 9 Mar 2000 19:25:42 -0000
Message-ID: <>


Hi Everybody

Some time ago I posted re afpmeets in North America, specifically in NY
and NJ areas. I got a few encouraging replies (thanks everybody) from as
far apart as Washington State and New England, but unfortunately not so
many from the NYC area.

Anyway I persevere.

Terry is signing and reading in Barnes and Nobles, Astor Place on April
5 at 7:30. And any excuse for a meet, eh!

Like all B&Ns there is a handy coffee shop which is 
1) quite close to the reading/signing area
2) a handy place to buy chocolate to identify yourself

Of course, I'll probably use the opportunity to catch up on my Pratchett
collection (all my books are at home in Ireland where they have been
pillaged by my older brothers while I am in NY). So just look for the
guy in the cafe with a stack of Pratchett books and chocolate :-)

Meeting in the cafe means that we can place ourselves in complete mental
readiness for the event through the consumption of coffee. Like all B&N
its only serves Starbucks, but a couple of double espressos should make
one suitably knurd

After the event reality will be restored through the consumption of beer
at a local pub - The Baggot inn [1][2]

So to summarize, Pterry is in NYC on April 5. Lets gather in the coffee
shop at Barnes and Noble Astor 18:30 - 19:30. Pterry does his thing from
19:30 - 20:30. Afterwards we shall adjourn to the Baggot Inn. Hurrah.

Let me know if you plan to attend the meet. 

April 5 is a Wednesday night and may not be suit people traveling long
distances. However if you are in need of somewhere to stay for the meet
please let me know and maybe something can be arranged.

Michael Barry

[1] The Baggot in is at 82 W 3rd St. NY, a few blocks south of
Washington Park and &lt; 0.5 miles from the hotel. 

[2] I'm not familiar with all the pubs in the area. Despite heroic
efforts. So if someone has a better suggestion, feel free to nominate
it. If the judges agree with your suggestion (does it sell beer. We have
no other questions) then we can go there instead.

[3] will pinpoint locations for B&N, 4 Astor Place and
the Baggot Inn. Alternatively you can find directions/maps for all B&N
bookshops at The zip code to use when searching is 10003

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From: Michael Barry <>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE][F] NYC booksigning and meet. 05 April 2000
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 18:27:36 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Well the FAQ says repost about a week before the event. Heaven forbid I
disobey the FAQ.

Terry is signing and reading in Barnes and Nobles, Astor Place on April
5 at 7:30. 

Like all B&Ns there is a handy coffee shop which is 
1) quite close to the reading/signing area
2) a handy place to buy chocolate to identify yourself

So Meet begins about 7:00ish at B&N coffee shop.

Signing at 7:30 - 8:30

No tickets needed. B&N say signing is limited to only one book per
cutsomer. Presumably the one you buy on the night - this seems a bit
strange to me.

Afterwards depends on numbers and interest, we will probably hang around
the coffeeshop a bit longer. Maybe adjourn to local pub/restaurant [1].

try and search for stores using zip 10007 for
directions/subway etc.

I'll be recognisible because I will
A) have chocolate
B) have Pterry books
C) be wearing an anorankh
D) have my Claremont Death figurene. He doesn't get out much.

Michael Barry

[1] Don't know how many people are interested in going out afterwards so
I haven't booked anywhere [2]. If you call into B&N after 8:30 an nobody
is left then we are all gone.

[2] The baggot in was proposed in the original announce. So maybe we'll
be there.

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who always welcome questions, corrections, and updates.

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