The L-Space Web : Events

Orangutan Foundation Fundraising Evening

The Orangutan Foundation presents:
"Encounters with Kusasi"

A prestigious fundraising evening for the Orangutan Foundation hosted by Terry Pratchett OBE at the British Academy of Television and Film Arts.

With special guest Professor Biruté Galdikas.

Wednesday 13th April 2005

Foundation Trustee and world renowned author Terry Pratchett will share his memorable experiences of orangutans and his hopes and fears for their future conservation. There will also be an exclusive opportunity to preview "From Orphan to King," a Tigress Productions film for the BBC's Natural World series. The documentary examines the epic story of Kusasi, the famous male orangutan at Camp Leakey in the Tanjung Puting National Park, and follows his life from orphan rescued by Professor Biruté Galdikas, to his position as king among orangutans.

A wine and canapé reception will conclude the evening. This will provide the opportunity to meet Terry Pratchett, Professor Galdikas, members of the Tigress Productions team and other special guests.

"Shake hands with an orangutan. Be aware of the steely muscles in a black glove. Look into the eyes of a person, in a way that humans are, and cats and dogs, however much we love them, are not. Say goodbye. This is a distant cousin, and we're currently handing him a ticket to extinction simply because he happens to be in our way. We all know how close the great apes are to us, we should all be able to understand the terrifying ethical consequences of forever eliminating our closest relatives from this planet - yet we continue to do just that. If this event and the people involved, can begin to shed some light on this paradox perhaps we can begin to find some effective solutions."

Terry Pratchett

BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly, London W1

Doors open 6.30pm for 7.30pm

Tickets: £25 (excluding reception), £85 (including reception)

To order , send a cheque payable to the 'Orangutan Foundation' to:

Orangutan Foundation, 7 Kent Terrace London, NW1 4RP

call 020 7724 2912 or e-mail

All profits go to support Orangutan Foundation projects in Indonesia.

View original Flyer (pdf document) or visit the Orangutan Foundation website.

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