The L-Space Web: Filks

Filks : AFPMad

Convention Update

AFPMad plans to perform a set at the 2002 Con, and indeed has been written into the programme. Ouch. So if anyone out there has reasonable singing ability - basic sight-reading recommended but not absolutely necessary. If interested, please get in touch with

Basses especially wanted. Rehearsals will happen at the Con, and possibly one beforehand, if enough interest is forthcoming.

The AFP Madrigal Society, perhaps appropriately shortened to AFPMad, are a product of the diseased collective imagination of, many of whom have extensive choral and solo singing experience. The combination of talents and singing styles bring a new meaning to the word 'choir'. But that can be left to your own imagination.

Filks are performed, dredged from the Discworld, the depths, the dustbin and other places beginning with D to tunes that would be instantly recognisable if only they were sung by someone else.

The idea came from a Cambridge meet in 1998, where the director and chief lyricist, MegaMole, discovered that there were other singers in afp.The first rehearsal took place in the Ancient Druids Public House, which has since closed it's doors. Wonder why....

In 1999 AFPMad inflicted themselves upon the seething handful^W multitudes in the big shed at Woolpit, for the first time. The audience's collective lack of disgust and Terry's blessing, well he didn't disapprove, was sufficient to encourage them to have another go in 2000.

This time, at least some of them stayed to the end. So it looks like AFPMad is here to stay.

The following MP3's of AFPMad are available for download :-

For further information about this band of individuals, contact with "AFPMad" in the subject line.

Our thanks go to Helen Highwater and Megamole for their assistance with the production of this page.

The L-Space Filk section is no longer actively being maintained. It is only kept online for historical purposes.

The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror site is maintained by A.H.Davis