The L-Space Web: Filks

Trolls Come Marching

From: elfin
Subject: Re: To Meg Re:[I] [[[[[[[[[OOK]]]]]]]]] The dear lady Meg Thornton
Date: 23 Nov 1999 23:52:34 GMT

(Please to note this is not aimed at you Colin)
Colin Woodhouse wrote in message
> To: Cymelion
> Some advice:
> Read and learn from the follow up posts in this thread.
> Read and learn from the *how to post to afp* FAQ's.
> Apologise publicly to Meg for your crass stupidity, rudeness and
> bad manners.

And elfin enters at a suitable point.

The trolls come marching two by two, hurrah hurrah
The trolls come marching two by two, hurrah hurrah
You never know who they will be
they could even be from a f p
So please think before you follow it up in here.

elfin(with musical accompaniment from esmi)

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